1.  Sneaking into line along with valid card holder
  • The user enters with a valid ID card and seeks access/entry at Software-based electronic gates  
  • The gate opens to provide access to the valid ID card holder
  • Meanwhile the fraudster grabs the opportunity to gain an unauthorized entry by sneeking in at the same time.
  1. The fraudster may also steal the ID card if an authorized employee to gain access or entry into the restricted space.

Examples of common types of tailgating attacks:

  • A person impersonates a delivery boy and waits outside a building. When an employee gains security’s approval and opens their door, the attacker asks that the employee ‘hold the door’. Thereby gains access to the company through an authorized person.
  • The impostors can take many forms, such as repair guys, individual pretending to hold heavy boxes. Anything that can make feel guilty for not holding the door or not granting access.