NFC-enabled cards:

  • Convenience: NFC-enabled cards allow users to make payments quickly and easily, simply by tapping their card against a payment terminal. This can be especially convenient for small transactions like buying coffee or groceries.
  • Security: NFC-enabled cards use advanced encryption technology to protect sensitive information, making them a secure payment option.
  • Versatility: NFC-enabled cards can also be used for other purposes, such as accessing public transportation or opening electronic locks.

Wi-Fi enabled cards:

  • Speed: Wi-Fi enabled cards offer fast and reliable transaction processing, allowing for quick and efficient payments.
  • Flexibility: Wi-Fi enabled cards can be used anywhere there is a Wi-Fi connection, making them a versatile payment option.
  • Enhanced features: Wi-Fi enabled cards may also offer additional features, such as the ability to track transaction history or earn rewards points.