NFC (Near Field Communication) and Wi-Fi enabled cards

NFC (Near Field Communication) and Wi-Fi enabled cards are a type of contactless payment technology that allows you to make payments without having to physically swipe or insert your card into a card reader. Instead, these cards use wireless technology to transmit payment information to a payment terminal.

NFC-enabled cards use short-range wireless communication technology to transmit payment information between the card and the payment terminal.

Wi-Fi enabled cards, on the other hand, use Wi-Fi technology to transmit payment information. These cards work similarly to NFC-enabled cards, but can transmit payment information over longer distances. This makes them ideal for use in larger retail settings, such as department stores or supermarkets etc.

Process of usage

To make a payment with an NFC-enabled/Wi-Fi enabled card, you simply hold your card near the payment terminal, and the payment is processed within seconds.